In‘Carte Blanche’ krijgt een kunstenaar vrij spel in KUNSTLETTERS, het driemaandelijks tijdschrift van Kunstwerkt. Met BLANCO vragen we geregeld kunstenaars om te reageren op een‘lege zone’. Deze keer vormen 2 lege vellen papier het speelveld. De kunstenaars worden geselecteerd i.s.m. de partners binnen de Vlaamse koepel van atelierorganisaties UFO
in dit nummer, okt — dec 2024
Subin Son, via MORPHO
Sometimes life is ambiguous,
and the future is opaque.
Perhaps that is why we
occasionally long for a clear
path, a visible tomorrow.
Yet, look at your hands, at
the veins that tirelessly labor.
Life, like time, flows onward,
and within that flow, we
continue to live. At times, our lives may seem
fleeting, like leaves falling
from a tree. But even the leaves have
something to say their veins speak of life.
Though moments may pass
and vanish, life moves forward, like a
river that never stands still
but always flows.