Carte Blanche #28
Amber Roucourt

BLANCO x Sphinx
Jasper Nollet

Atelier achter draad
Klaas Op De Beéck

Carriers in all sorts of shapes, a lot of bags, shirts on specifically designed shop displays, the carrier becoming the carrier, shoplabels, fake signs and logos, flat purse painted coins, tables and walking chairs from easy street and spiraling plastic.
Carrier / Etymology { early 14c., “to bear or convey, take along or transport,” from Anglo-French carier “transport in a vehicle” or Old North French carrier “to cart, carry” (Modern French charrier), from Gallo-Roman *carrizare. }
In ’ The Carrier Bag, Theory of fiction’ ;(1986) the visionary author Ursula K.Le Guin tells the story of human origin by redefining technology as a cultural carrier Bag rather than a weapon of domination.
Hacking the linear, progressive mode of the Techno- heroic, The Carrier Bag Theory of human evolution proposes: ’ before the tool that forces energy outward, we made the tool that brings energy home.’ The recipient — the wild basket- the holder — the story…
Coupure Rechts 308
9000 Gent
16 augustus vanaf 20h
za 17 aug van 14h — 18h
zo 18 aug van 14h — 18h