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I’m loo­king for a studio

Step 1


NUCLEO cre­a­tes spa­ce for the artis­tic devel­op­ment of pro­fes­si­o­nal visu­al artists. One way we do this is by ren­ting out artist stu­dios in Ghent.

You can apply for a stu­dio at NUCLEO via this web­si­te. First read all the steps below, ending with step 7, your application.

Step 2


To regis­ter with NUCLEO, you’ll need an onli­ne account. During the regi­stra­ti­on pro­cess, we’ll ask you to briefly explain why you’re loo­king for a stu­dio. We’ll also enqui­re about your artis­tic background.

Once your regi­stra­ti­on is con­fir­med, you can send us your details and appli­ca­ti­on dossier.

NUCLEO is pri­ma­ri­ly tar­ge­ted at pro­fes­si­o­nal visu­al artists and col­lec­ti­ves. We wel­co­me all visu­al prac­ti­ces: pain­ters, sculp­tors, con­cep­tu­al artists, peo­p­le with hybrid prac­ti­ces, and so on.

Professional’ means that you have the inten­ti­on of prac­ti­sing your artis­tic acti­vi­ties in an occu­pa­ti­o­nal capa­ci­ty, devel­o­ping an artis­tic career and – if pos­si­ble – making a living out of tho­se activities.

Artists who are just star­ting out recei­ve spe­ci­al atten­ti­on at NUCLEO. After all, the demand for workspa­ce is hig­hest among recent­ly gra­du­a­ted artists, sin­ce they lose their stu­dios at school when they gra­du­a­te. Add to that the fact that their finan­ci­al situ­a­ti­on is often very pre­ca­rious at this stage.

  • People with other artis­tic dis­ci­pli­nes (such as per­for­ming arts, lite­ra­tu­re, etc.), cre­a­ti­ve entre­pre­neurs and cul­tu­ral orga­ni­sa­ti­ons may in excep­ti­o­nal cases be gran­ted a spa­ce, but visu­al artists are always given priority.
  • Creative entre­pre­neurs are only gran­ted a spa­ce if they can show that the work they do has an expli­cit­ly artis­tic charac­ter. Cultural orga­ni­sa­ti­ons can also apply if their acti­vi­ties are in line with NUCLEO’s visi­on and add value for the artists in resi­den­ce. Organisations with prin­ci­pal­ly com­mer­ci­al objec­ti­ves are not eli­gi­ble for a space.
Step 3

Your application dossier

Send us your appli­ca­ti­on dossier.

Your dos­sier must con­tain four parts:

  1. A com­pre­hen­si­ve CV lis­ting the main details of your prac­ti­ce and pla­cing an emp­ha­sis on the last two to three years. List any solo and group exhi­bi­ti­ons you par­ti­ci­pa­ted in, com­mis­si­ons, awards, publi­ca­ti­ons, any sales, and so on, always men­ti­o­ning the date and loca­ti­on. You may also inclu­de seconda­ry acti­vi­ties such as tea­ching, con­sul­ting and com­mit­tee roles.
  2. Visual docu­men­ta­ti­on with at least 20 ima­ges of your work from the last 2 to 4 years, indi­ca­ting the tit­le, year, dimen­si­ons and media used.
  3. A text to con­tex­tu­a­li­se your artis­tic prac­ti­ce. In no more than 500 words, descri­be the gui­ding prin­ci­ples of your work and prac­ti­ce, and how they are expres­sed. In the case of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve work, be sure to descri­be your own con­tri­bu­ti­on clearly.
  4. Your moti­va­ti­on for using the stu­dio, the expec­ted inten­si­ty of use, the moti­va­ti­on for your appli­ca­ti­on, any con­cre­te plans you have regar­ding upco­ming artis­tic projects …

If your appli­ca­ti­on dos­sier is com­ple­te and suc­ces­sful­ly sub­mit­ted, you will recei­ve an email con­fir­ma­ti­on. Your appli­ca­ti­on is then rea­dy to be asses­sed by the committee.

Step 4

The committee

Your appli­ca­ti­on dos­sier will be asses­sed by a com­mit­tee of inde­pen­dent experts from the visu­al arts field. The cur­rent com­mit­tee con­sists of Liene Aerts, Simon Debbaut, Hanna Ilczyszyn, Isolde Vanhee and Cedric Verhelst.

They will screen your dos­sier accor­ding to NUCLEO’s criteria:

  • In the case of visu­al artists, your artis­tic prac­ti­ce must fit within a con­tem­po­ra­ry fra­me of refe­ren­ce, with the aspects of research and reflec­ti­on playing an impor­tant role. The art­works are rea­li­sed in various media and attest to a cri­ti­cal rele­van­ce. The visu­al qua­li­ty of the work pre­vails over the pure­ly aes­the­tic or tech­ni­cal. The qua­li­ty of the work, the pro­fes­si­o­na­lism of the prac­ti­ce and the ambi­ti­on and moti­va­ti­on of the appli­cant are deci­si­ve in the assess­ment. The applicant’s per­spec­ti­ve on their artis­tic devel­op­ment plays an impor­tant role. Any con­cre­te plans for artis­tic pro­jects may be inclu­ded in the assessment.
  • In the case of cre­a­ti­ve entre­pre­neurs, your prac­ti­ce must be root­ed in an artis­tic visi­on in which ele­ments of expe­ri­ment and research play an impor­tant role. This should result in qua­li­ty work that is not pure­ly func­ti­o­nal but also exhi­bits a strong artis­tic dimension.For cul­tu­ral orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, your work should be root­ed in an artis­tic visi­on and artis­tic objec­ti­ves. Your visi­on and phi­lo­sop­hy should align with the acti­vi­ties of NUCLEO. Your orga­ni­sa­ti­on should con­tri­bu­te value in the form of pre­sen­ta­ti­on oppor­tu­ni­ties for or col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve links with the resi­dent artists.

After the com­mit­tee has dis­cus­sed your dos­sier, you will recei­ve an e‑mail whe­ther it has been appro­ved or not.

Step 5

The waiting list

If your appli­ca­ti­on is posi­ti­ve­ly eva­lu­a­ted by the com­mit­tee, you will be pla­ced on our wai­ting list. We then check with you what your mini­mum expecta­ti­ons are for a stu­dio. As soon as you reach the top of the wai­ting list and the­re are stu­dios avai­la­ble that meet your requi­re­ments, we will invi­te you for a stu­dio vie­wing. You are then free to deci­de whe­ther the stu­dio is suit­able for your needs.

Step 6


Your pla­ce on the wai­ting list expi­res after two years. If you wish you renew for ano­ther two years, we will ask you to sub­mit a new appli­ca­ti­on dossier.

Artists who alrea­dy have a NUCLEO stu­dio are asked to sub­mit a new dos­sier eve­ry five years. This is to ree­va­lu­a­te the need for the stu­dio, among other reasons.

Of cour­se, the dura­ti­on that you can keep the same stu­dio will also depend on the term of NUCLEO’s own lea­se with the owner of the pre­mi­ses in question.

Step 7

Start your application

Now you’ve been brie­fed on eve­ry­thing you need to know, you are rea­dy to start your appli­ca­ti­on.

If you still have ques­ti­ons, be sure to check our FAQs below.



How long is the wait for a studio?

The wai­ting time for a stu­dio is dif­fi­cult to pre­dict. It can ran­ge from a num­ber of weeks to over a year. It all depends on the num­ber of stu­dios at our dis­po­sal, the amount of demand and your requi­re­ments. The tem­po­ra­ry natu­re of the stu­dio buil­dings can also bring about shifts in availability.


What does a studio cost?

Each stu­dio has a month­ly cost. This amount com­pri­ses all fixed costs and ener­gy costs. This means the­re are no year-end bills. NUCLEO moni­tors meter rea­dings on a month­ly basis in order to keep an over­view of costs.

The pri­ce of a stu­dio is deter­mi­ned based on various para­me­ters, such as the num­ber of users of the stu­dio, the level of com­fort and the sta­te of the spa­ce, the loca­ti­on and the expec­ted lea­se term of the buil­ding. Prices cur­rent­ly ran­ge from €100 to €350 per per­son per month.


How long can I stay in my studio?

NUCLEO’s stu­dio mana­ge­ment model is based on the tem­po­ra­ry use of vacant buil­dings. The exact dura­ti­on we can stay depends on the owner’s futu­re plans for the buil­ding. NUCLEO moni­tors this clo­se­ly and keeps all users infor­med in the event that the­se plans beco­me more concrete.

We are usu­al­ly able to arran­ge use agree­ments with an inde­fi­ni­te dura­ti­on, the only for­mal cer­tain­ty being two months’ noti­ce in the event of the agreement’s termination.

It is pos­si­ble that you would have to move stu­dios or end up back on the wai­ting list in the event that a building’s use is set to change.

If you wish to stay with NUCLEO for more than five years, we ask that you sub­mit a new appli­ca­ti­on dos­sier to the com­mit­tee eve­ry five years.


I want to end my studio contract. How do I do that?

You can end your stu­dio con­tract by sen­ding NUCLEO a regis­tered let­ter or an email.

The two-month noti­ce peri­od starts from the first day of the fol­lo­wing month, unless sta­ted other­wi­se in your contract.

In the event that NUCLEO finds a new can­di­da­te for your stu­dio befo­re the end of the noti­ce peri­od, you will no lon­ger have to pay the rent for the noti­ce period.


Can I share a studio?

NUCLEO encou­ra­ges stu­dio sha­ring in cases whe­re the spa­ce and the artis­tic prac­ti­ce lend them­sel­ves to it. All users must still be appro­ved by the committee.

In cer­tain buil­dings the­re are sha­ring stu­dios whe­re we match peo­p­le accor­ding to the needs ari­sing from their indi­vi­du­al prac­ti­ces. We have a lar­ge sha­ring stu­dio with offi­ces, for example, and a ware­hou­se whe­re sculp­tors work side by side.


How do I switch to another studio?

You can always let us know if you are loo­king for ano­ther spa­ce. Let us know your mini­mum requi­re­ments so we can put you back on the wai­ting list.


How can I be sure that I’m on the waiting list?

You can always check your sta­tus on this web­si­te. When you’re log­ged in, your sta­tus is dis­play­ed at the top left of the screen. In the same pla­ce, you can see how long is left until you have to sub­mit a new appli­ca­ti­on dossier.


There’s a technical problem in my studio. What should I do?

You can chan­ge a lightbulb yourself, but plea­se con­tact NUCLEO in the event of other elec­tri­cal or tech­ni­cal defects, the loss of your key, and other problems.