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What we do

NUCLEO cre­a­tes spa­ce for the artis­tic devel­op­ment of pro­fes­si­o­nal visu­al artists.

  • We offer qua­li­ty, affor­da­ble stu­dios in and around Ghent.
  • We pro­vi­de spa­ce for expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on and presentation.
  • We encou­ra­ge artists to take ini­ti­a­ti­ve and experiment.
  • We sup­port their artis­tic prac­ti­ces with a wide-ran­ging con­tent pro­gram­me based on their needs.

We sha­re our know­led­ge and expe­rien­ce and we let our voi­ce be heard when nee­ded. Our poli­cy streng­thens the posi­ti­on of artists in the city, con­tri­bu­ting to the eco­sy­s­tem of the arts.


Studio policy

NUCLEO res­ponds to the need for workspa­ces for pro­fes­si­o­nal visu­al artists by pro­vi­ding affor­da­ble, qua­li­ty studios.

Since its begin­nings in 2001, NUCLEO has been the City of Ghent’s per­ma­nent part­ner for its stu­dio poli­cy for pro­fes­si­o­nal visu­al artists. We have been amas­sing expe­rien­ce ever sin­ce through the mana­ge­ment of over 30 tem­po­ra­ry pro­per­ties and have been able to offer workspa­ces to around 500 artists.

NUCLEO’s mis­si­on is more essen­ti­al today than ever befo­re. The chan­ging real esta­te situ­a­ti­on in Ghent (and other cities too) means that the avai­la­ble spa­ce is shrin­king, and the­re is less and less affor­da­ble spa­ce for artists. NUCLEO is the­re­fo­re wor­king together with poli­cy­ma­kers and buil­ding owners to safe­gu­ard workspa­ce for artists in our city.

Artist policy

In addi­ti­on to mana­ging stu­dios, NUCLEO fur­ther sup­ports the artis­tic prac­ti­ce of artists with BLANCO (pre­sen­ta­ti­on and expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on spa­ces) and SUPPORT (pro­gram­me of acti­vi­ties). After all, a phy­si­cal workspa­ce is just one of the needs of artists. In order to devel­op a strong prac­ti­ce, artists also need men­tal spa­ce for devel­op­ment, dia­lo­gue and reflection.


The board is com­po­sed of mem­bers with diver­se fields of exper­ti­se and meets about five times a year.

  • Ann Van Steenkiste CEO, Gloribox communication; co-founder, Le Salon de Léon
  • Dieter Honoré entrepreneur, creative lawyer, coach
  • Greet Vlegels former director, MORPHO
  • Kurt Vanbelleghem curator; CEO, Presentfuture; alumni coach, Sint-Lucas Antwerp
  • Luka Peeters artist, coordinator at Lochness
  • Rik Audenaert CFO VIB
  • Sander Misplon artist, administrative manager - editorial secretary at rekto:verso, community and admin manager at Different Class
  • Sofie Jacobs HR business partner, City of Ghent
  • Wouter Vermeylen (chairman) CEO, Yesplan; partner, Handelreizigers In Ideeën

The gene­ral assem­bly meets once a year and con­sists of the mem­bers of the board of direc­tors, sup­ple­men­ted by:

  • Bruno Matthys art enthusiast, president of S.M.A.K. friends
  • Dieter Aerts lawyer
  • Guy Châtel architect
  • Isolde Vanhee art historian and lecturer LUCA School of Arts
  • Marc Vanborm former managing director, Ceremonia
  • Marjoleine Maes business coordinator, Design Museum Gent
  • Mieke Mels curator, Mu.ZEE
  • Stephanie Gildemyn visual artist
  • Thibaut Verhoeven curator, S.M.A.K.
  • Thierry Lagrange architect
  • Wim Goes architect