On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the artists of the Lindenlei studio building opened their studios to the public. A unique opportunity to get a glimpse into the working environment of professional artists.
Participants: Simon Van Parys, Kasper De Vos, Liesbeth Henderickx, Sven Boel, Sara Plantefève-Castryck, Wannes Cools, Gianni Scoric, Kristof Van Heeschvelde x WallWonder, Wannes Goetschalckx, Linda Jasmin Mayer, Lieven Lefere, Isabel Devos, Conrad Willems, Niels Ketelers, Marjolein Labeeû, Ines Claus, Leen Galle, Isa D’hondt, Cecilia Jaime, Valery Konevin, Manon De Craene, Elisia Poelman, Stephanie Gildemyn, and Bart Vansteenkiste.
This event was organized by the participating artists in collaboration with NUCLEO and attracted 1,190 visitors. Thanks to all the stewards and Simon Van Parys for the photos.